my first scoodie!

I was poking around etsy and found this dino scoodie. A scoodie is a scarf with a hood,totally great idea. I just had to make one!I'm going to make one for myself after I'm doing with the million christmas presents I sucked myself into making.I'm 90% happy with it.I didn't have a pattern or tutorial so I had to wing it. Don't be afraid to wing it,just go slow and think ahead. If I would've thought ahead maybe I wouldn't have sewed the wrong side of the hood on the scarf! But I like the spikes better in the back anyway.I just don't like the hem I did on the front. BUT my 3yr old son loves it(his teachers did too but he told me his friends said it was too scary).Next time I know what to do different and learning is how we get better and become awesome!

Tonight I'm going to sew a slit in one side of the scarf so that my son can just pull it through and not tie it.

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