Like most of us,I'm on a serious budget. I really have to make do with what I have and add to it with the smaller,cheaper things. So instead of buying or making new curtains,I added white sheers($10 for both) to the brown ones. I think it makes it feel softer and more cozy. To break up the brown floor/couch,I added a cream rug. Honestly,I so badly wanted the brown zebra print I saw but it was $70. Which is still cheap but it's not SUPER cheap! Cream rug,$35! I found the coffee table at Helping Hands for $20. I think that's a great deal since it's real wood and I like the structure of it. My original intention was to turn it into an ottoman and to repaint the hardware. However I decided to put this off until I get some sort of work space in my house b/c I use that spot to do my homework! I also sewed some pillows($5) to add some warmth(and got a little doggy to add some love!)! So,for $70 I added some homeyness to my living room without having to paint.

After. I'm sure you can't see my mirror that well but it looks great in real life. In another post I added how I made the stuff on the wall. Total cost for the pics,mirror,and lampshade. Around $25. The running tally so far,is $95 for the living room redo. A few things I want to work on:I don't like the area around the lamp and tv. I think it looks like it's missing something. The room doesn't seemed balanced and I LOATHE cords showing!!! If you have any advice on how to make things really pop,let me know! Your criticism is my future wisdom! Btw,I know the ceiling fan is hideous! However I live in Arkansas and we NEED our ceiling fans.

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