I am completely enamored by Earthships. They sound so bizarre and look even more bizarre. Like something that would sustain life on some alien planet. They're actually called Earthships b/c they're completely dependent on the Earth. They're totally self sustainable. Plus, they're so weird looking.
The basics of an Earthship are: a back wall that has a layer of tires and is built onto the side of a hill, a front wall that is basically a long skinny greenhouse, airflow systems that derive temperature from the earth (hence being built partly underground), a grey water/rain water system, and solar panels. There's no HVAC, there's no electricity, there's no need to be connected to water.
Another notable feature of Earthships, are the use of recycled materials. Predominantly tires, which are super easy to get, cans, and glass bottles. There's also a mixture of cob that can be used to mold the house, so the bottles are used as fillers that reduce the need for materials. Instead of being utilitarian, people create designs out of them. They also help to bring in light.
An Earthship can supply year round food, with the greenhouse also acting as a temperature regulator between nature and main living areas. Since heat rises, most have some type of vent at the top that can be opened to release heat. They started in desert areas that didn't have the best soil for planting and temperatures that killed plants or had water restrictions due to drought. Earthships recycle collected rainwater, so no need for irrigation and no worries about drought. However, you can have one anywhere. There are even some in Canada, they just include a wood stove.

Usually exterior features are the most ornate. The inside of them can be, but tends to be more practical and simple.
A good example of how they're built into the Earth. This one probably is a lot deeper than it looks.
I don't think I'd ever commit to spending the money on one. They're also labor intensive and really not my style. I might change my mind in the future, like if I ever visited one or it was already built and I just needed to add my own touches to it. The idea of living off grid is SO appealing to me. It doesn't make any sense for me to pay monthly for electricity when the sun shines and the wind blows and the water flows. These are all great ways for a small household to get free renewable energy. Why should I pay for water when most of the planet is covered in it and it literally falls from the sky? Why should I subject myself to these corrupt banks, outrageous interest rates, inflated costs, going in debt for shit I don't need? Why am I paying for food that i can grow from the dirt?? Having to pay to live, month after month after month, makes me feel queasy. I just want to set up my own thing and live there. Of course there are things I will need from the store. I'm not going to kill my farm animals, I get way too attached. I'm not going to be able to grow every fruit and vegetable that I love and I still need chocolate, beer, and queso. The point is to live a life that isn't dependent on anyone or anything. To create a life that I own, where I don't have to worry about the economy or the job market or being 1 paycheck away from eviction. I want to save my money and continually build upon it, instead of throwing it away just to sustain myself. I'll work ft and save until I'm 50, then it's part time just to get me out of the house and socialized.
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